The Fire in Our Backyard
The Columbia River Gorge is one of the Pacific Northwest's most amazing natural wonders. To those of us in Oregon, it's like our backyard. We spend our Summers backpacking, camping, hiking, fishing, paddling and kiteboarding there.
When a destructive wildfire was started near the Eagle Creek Trailhead on Labor Day weekend of 2017, we all watched in shock and horror as nearly 50,000 acres in the Gorge were engulfed in flames. Major transportation routes shut down, trails were closed, hikers were stranded for hours, and people were forced to evacuate their homes and businesses. The careless actions of an individual lighting and throwing fireworks during a burn ban ultimately led to an estimated $36 million in damages. But for everyone who loves the Gorge, the impacts of the fire go far beyond monetary value. A cherished landscape was forever changed, and our “backyard” will never be quite the same.
The Fire in our Backyard is a story about the fire and its impact on our community. From the incredible response of wildland firefighters, search and rescue teams, and the Forest Service, to the people who live and work in the Gorge, our film examines the consequences of the Eagle Creek Fire on one of Oregon's most cherished landmarks.
To learn more about the National Forest Foundation’s restoration efforts in the Columbia River Gorge and how you can help, visit: